作者:  来源:  日期:2010-07-23



Notice of pre-qualification for the

Design Competition of Guosen Securities Tower


On July 20th, 2010, there was a meeting in the Conference Room of 28th floor in Shenzhen Guosen Securities Tower, which is located on the Hongling Zhong Road. It is about the pre-qualification for the Schematic Design Competition of Guosen Securities Tower. The jury is made up of evaluation experts, representatives from Shenzhen Urban Planning and Land Resources Committee and the host representatives. In accordance with principles such as international influence, performance, innovation potential and concepts of the proposal, 8 design units have been chosen to participate in this design competition from 55 contenders after full discussion. Moreover, 2 design units have been entitled as alternative units. And the final results of the pre-qualification are as follows:



Invited design units (no particular order)

●北京 北京市建筑设计研究院
Beijing Beijing Institute of Architectural Design
●香港+广州 许李严建筑师事务有限公司+广州市瀚景建筑工程设计事务所
+广州容柏生建筑工程设计事务所+广东名都设计有限公司 联合体
Hong Kong& Guangzhou Rocco Design Limited + Guangzhou Han Jing Engineering Co.,+RBS Architecture Engineer Design Associate+ Guangdong Mingdu Design Co. Ltd (Consortium)
●广州 华南理工大学建筑设计研究院
Guangzhou Architectural Design Research Institute of SCUT
●马来西亚+深圳 汉沙杨有限公司+北方-汉沙杨建筑工程设计有限公司 联合体
Malaysia& Shenzhen HSY Co. Ltd + NHY Architectural Engineering Design Company Ltd. (Consortium)
●荷兰+深圳 荷兰MVRDV建筑师事务所+深圳市筑博工程设计有限公司 联合体
Netherlands& Shenzhen MVRDV + Shenzhen Zhubo Design Co. Ltd (Consortium)
●意大利+深圳 意大利福克萨斯建筑事务所 +深圳市建筑设计研究院总院有限公司 联合体
Italy & Shenzhen MASSIMILIANO E DORIANA FUKSAS DESIGIN SRL +Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research (Partnership)
●奥地利+深圳 蓝天组+深圳华森建筑与工程设计顾问有限公司 联合体
Austria& Shenzhen COOP HIMMELB (L) AU + Shenzhen Huasen Architectural & Engineering Design Consultant Ltd.(Consortium)
●香港+北京 Baumschlager Eberle Hong Kong Ltd+华通设计顾问工程有限公司 联合体
Hong Kong& Beijing Baumschlager Eberle Hong Kong Ltd +Walton Design & Consulting Engineering (Consortium)




Alternative Design Units (in descending order)

1、深圳+上海 中建国际(深圳)设计顾问有限公司+培特维建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司 联合体
Shanghai& Shenzhen CCDI(Shenzhen) + PTW Architects Shanghai (Consortium).
2、日本+深圳 株式会社日本设计+深圳机械院建筑设计有限公司 联合体
Japan& Shenzhen Nihon Sekkei.Co. +Shenzhen Machinery Institute Architectural Design. Co. Ltd (Consortium)





According to the competition files, the shortlisted design units or consortiums that haven’t been in the top three can still be paid with the cost-recovery fee. Non-finalists can voluntarily participate in this contest with the same assessment method. However, no cost-recovery fee will be paid unless they win the top three.



Please notice the adjustments for the competition schedule:


All the design units who want to join the competition (8 finalists included) shall hand in the confirmation (for more, check the files attached), name list with contact, the letter of attorney and copy of the corporate business license (with official seal). It shall be emailed to the organizer or the organizational unit and handed in the original one to the organizer while site visiting. 


There will be a site visit on August 10, 2010. As for the specific arrangement, the organizer will inform all by mail.

3主办方将于20108112010 9 11日以电子邮件等方式进行相关问题咨询及答疑

All the design units can consult the organizer with related issues from August, 11th, 2010 to September 11th, 2010 by email.

4竞赛设计成果文件提交截止时间:201010111700 参赛的设计单位须在截止时间前将最终竞赛成果文件提交至主办方(地址:深圳市红岭中路1012号国信证券大厦16楼,邮编:518001),以实际收到日期为准逾期将被视为弃权,并不得参与本次竞赛活动的后续评审活动

The submission deadline is 5:00pm, October 11th, 2010(date of actual receipt). All the design units shall post it to No. 1012, 16th Floor, Guosen Securities Building, Hongling Zhong Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen, and the Zip Code is 518001. Late applications will be considered an abstention, and there will be no more participation in the following assessment activities.

5最终方案评审会:初定于2010 1014日,会议地点待定

The final review is initially set on October 14, 2010 and the meeting venue is to be determined.


Guosen Securities Co. Ltd.
July 20th, 2010


